Birds in the Sky
IntroductionThe Birds of Man and the Wings of the Soul.
Teachings of Old, Long Forgotten
Eyes to the Sky and Birds Gliding in the Sky.
Oh how thy wonder what its like to Fly.
The feeling of Wind Clothing thy Soul through the Element of Air.
Thy wonder where thy WINGS have gone and see they have been covered.
But who covered that which is most Sacred to thy, who Hid thy Power from thy.
Was it thy who Hid it from thy Self or was thy Deceived to Cover it for the Interests of Another
Which Soulless Entity or Being would Betray thy Brothers & Sisters to Mutilate themselves for Profit & Meaningless Power
The Deceivers who led Humanity to the FALL.
How does thy uncover that which was Hidden from thy and thy Brothers & Sisters
Thy Travelled through Space & Time to unleash the Souls, Memories, Hopes and Dreams of those who came before thy.
And that which was Covered, was Revealed & Flight was Ours Once More.
What a Blessed and Liberating Existence from that of the Land Bound.
Thy could now Access Realms Lost but now Found.
Found thy the Forbidden Fruit, once more
But thy did not Forget to look back and leave Seeds for thy BROTHERS & SISTER to uncover their WINGS.
Wings they have Forgotten
Ancestors they have Forgotten
THE ALL they have Forgotten
The Ability to Rise with the Sun they have forgotten
Break thee Chains thy Beloved Siblings
For the DAY will always come after the NIGHT.
Forever Seek & Forever Fortify thy Soul
So thee may Stand Forever United
Seek that which you have Lost
For once thee have Recovered that which was LOST, thee will Recover thee Power that was taken.
For remember thee Power can never be taken unless thee Forget thee ever had Power.
Thy will Eternally Fly through TIME & SPACE.
Thy will Eternally Assist thy Beloved Siblings
Thy will Eternally be there even after Death
Just as those who came before
Numbers Endless / Time Eternal
How the Birds, the Crystals & the Lotus (Flowers)
Remind us of the Home we have Forgotten
The home, I&I have FALLEN from How the Wings in the Sky Remind thy of Lives Forgotten
How beautiful Mother Nature is to remind the Disobedient Children of the SUN
A chance of Redemption
For the Disobedient to become Obedient
And it is Revealed that thy was the Bird in the Sky this Whole Time.
How the Gods play with the Rhythms of Time & Space.